President's Desk

Bhagwan Mahaveer education society was formed in the year 2001 with the object of catering to the needs of higher education of the poor, needy and unprivileged students in the Bhosari/Moshi, semi urban and rural area, with very reasonable fees which they can afford to pay. The founder President of the society is Chartered Accountant by profession as well as Professor teaching in the senior college of commerce. Hence he has got experience of the various problems, difficulties and intricacies in the college education of the average students .Dr Ashokkumar Pagariya is the founder President of the society along with other trustees Bhagwan Mahaveer education society is a minority organization recognized by Government of Maharashtra, hence it has got very limited restrictions regarding admissions of the students as well as appointment of the teachers. The society is having one approved senior College – Preetam Prakash College affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, recognized by Government of Maharashtra in 2009! Society started this college in very small premises of 2000 sq feet and thereafter, within 3 years the college is shifted to new premises of 10000 Sq feet owned by Shahu Shikshan Sanstha, on long lease basis.
Initially there was very poor response in the first year, we started the college with 12 students and their after every year student strength increased and in the fifth year itself there were more than 500 students for Arts and Commerce faculties together, that is up to B.Com and B A . We tried our best to give them quality education along with value education; hence there was good strength till 2019-2020. However in the year 2020 due to Covid ,there was heavy loss to each and every field of the society , of business ,of the economy including the field of education also After 2 years , We found in the year 2021 -22, 22 -23 there was heavy reduction in the intake strength of the students which was reduced to 300. Due to continuous efforts of the staff, in the year 2023- 24 there was good recovery and now this year our strength is almost around 400. Our tuition fees including other fees is very much minimum as compared to other colleges in the locations nearby .Our teachers are well qualified and dedicated and devoted for the development of the college and students in their curriculum as well as in extracurricular activities. We never refuse admissions for the students having poor performance with fewer marks in their previous exams. We try to prepare them for their study. Our results are always colorful and encouraging; we have got 7 teachers approved by Pune University and others CHB and part time teachers having good qualifications with their eligibility to teach senior college students. Our mission is to help the poor and unprivileged students to get college education smoothly with very reasonable fees which are less than reasonable tuition fees. College graduation course results are also always more than 80%! We are happy with these results since we take weaker students along with other meritorious students also! We are trying for acquiring our own premises with sound infrastructure facilities for the college!
About President:
Dr. Ashokkumar Nensukh Pagariya is a distinguished personality having a brilliant academic career. He is a recognized postgraduate teacher in taxation and management accounting of University of Pune. He has 33 years teaching experience in various senior colleges. He worked as a member of Accountancy Board of studies and faculty of Commerce, University of Pune. He wrote various textbooks on accountancy, auditing & Taxation. He is recently nominated as Member of Regional Direct TAX advisory committee for Pune region by the CBDT – Ministry of Finance Central Government. He is Vice-Chairman of Shri Laxmi Co-operative Bank and is Director since 1990. He was also a member of western Regional Concil of ICAI New Delhi. He is a Governing Council member of Maharashtra Chamber of commerce, Industries & Agriculture, Mumbai. He has been awarded number of Awards such as Maharashtra Gaurav Puraskar, Best Teacher Award, Janiv Puraskar Award, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Fellowship, Samaj Bushan Award, Mother Teressa Award , Blood Friend Award by various Social Organization as well as P.C.M.C & P.M.C.
Sr.No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. Ashokkumar N. Pagariya | Chairman |
2 | Shri. Vilaskumar N. Pagariya | Vice - Chairman |
3 | Shri. Rajendra D. Dhoka | Secretary |
4 | Shri. Satish S. Khabiya | Treasurer |
5 | Dr. Lalitkumar D. Dhoka | Trustee |
6 | CA. Suresh K. Mehta | Trustee |
7 | Shri. Champalal J. Oswal | Trustee |
8 | Shri. Manoj S. Shingavi | Trustee |
9 | CA. Santosh C. Sancheti | Trustee |
10 | Shri. Shrenik S. Mandlecha | Trustee |
11 | Shri. Gaurav V.. Parakh | Trustee |
12 | Dr. Prashant P. Gadiya | Trustee |
13 | Shri. Rahul G. Pagariya | Trustee |
14 | Shri. Kalpesh P. Pagariya | Trustee |
15 | CA. Paras R. Chhallani | Trustee |
16 | Shri Piyush V. Chhajed | Trustee |
17 | Shri. Dipesh G. Bhandari | Trustee |