Grievance Redressal Committee

The Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) serves as a crucial component within an educational institution, dedicated to addressing and resolving grievances related to various aspects of campus life. Comprising faculty members, administrative staff, and student representatives, the GRC plays a pivotal role in ensuring a fair and transparent mechanism for resolving concerns. Its primary objective is to provide a structured platform where students and staff can voice their grievances, fostering a positive environment conducive to academic and personal growth. The GRC operates with the aim of promoting justice, maintaining confidentiality, and contributing to the overall well-being of the academic community.

  • Aim of Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) 

The aim of the Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) is to establish and maintain a fair, transparent, and efficient mechanism for addressing and resolving grievances within an educational institution.

  • Objectives of Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) 
  1. Efficient Redressal: Ensure prompt and efficient resolution of grievances, prioritizing a timely redressal process.
  2. Fair Proceedings and Confidentiality: Conduct grievance redressal proceedings with fairness and impartiality, upholding principles of natural justice, and maintaining strict confidentiality.
  3. Prevention, Advocacy, and Improvement: Identify and address systemic issues to prevent grievances, serve as an advocate for the rights of students and staff, and continuously improve the grievance redressal process based on feedback and experiences.
  • Roles and Responsibility of the Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) 
  1. Grievance Handling Mastery: As part of our commitment, adeptly receive, assess, and document grievances from students and staff through established channels.
  2. Resolution and Communication Expertise: Demonstrating proficiency, systematically conduct thorough investigations, maintain confidentiality, and facilitate open communication to recommend fair and satisfactory solutions.
  3. Comprehensive Prevention, Documentation, and Reporting Approach: Emphasizing a proactive stance, identifying systemic issues, propose preventive measures, maintain accurate records, and adhere to policies. Consistently report on the status and outcomes of addressed grievances as we take charge of this responsibility.

Grievance Redressal Committee – Academic Year: 2023-24

Sr. No.Name DesignationEmail IDMobile No
1.Mr. Kamble Sadashiv SampatiPresidentsadashivkamble13@ gmail.com9371095730
2.Mr. Pawar Sachin Narsing Secretarysachinpawar912@gmail.com9834260055
3.Dr. Shinde Hanumant PopatMemberdrhpshinde@gmail.com9423321737
4.Mrs. Brhamankar Vibha JitendraMembervibhabrahmankar@gmail.com9075409349
5.Mr. Mhaske Pravin ArunMembermhaskepravina@gmail.com9021311039
6.Dr. Wagh Swati PurushottamMemberwaghswati5385@gmail.com9923699263
7.Mr. Baisane Sudhakar PanditMemberbspandit72@gmail.com7823824205
8.Miss. Mahalige Rupali BhimraoMemberrupalimahalinge02@gmail.com880599282
9.Mr. Salve Sandesh ShubhashMembersandeshsalve9999@gmail.com9370369287

Grievance Redressal Committee – Academic Year: 2022-23

Sr. No.Name DesignationEmail IDMobile No
1.Mr. Kamble Sadashiv SampatiPresidentsadashivkamble13@ gmail.com9371095730
2.Mr. Pawar Sachin Narsing Secretarysachinpawar912@gmail.com9834260055
3.Dr. Vijay NikamSenior Membernikamvijay@gmail.com9373000447
4.Mr. Pandurang BhaskarMemberbhaskarpd13@gmail.com9145556920
5.Dr. Wagh Swati PurushottamMemberwaghswati5385@gmail.com9923699263
6. Mrs. Mahalaxmi ThubeMembermahalaxmithube@gmail.com9850751818
7.Mrs. Vibha BrahmankarMember vibhabrahmankar@gmail.com9075409349
8.Mr. Umesh LandgeMemberumeshlandge01@gmail.com9970292292
9.Miss. Harshada Avsare



10.Mr. Aajroddin Shaikh




Grievance Redressal Committee – Academic Year:  2021-22



NameDesignationEmail IDMobile Number
1Prin. Sadashiv KamblePresidentsadashikamble13@yahoo.in9371095730
2Mr. Sachin PawarSecretory sachinpawar912@gmail.com9834260055
3Dr. Vijay NikamSenior Membernikamvijay@gmail.com9373000447
4Mr. Pandurang BhaskarMemberbhaskarpd13@gmail.com9145556920
5Dr. Swati WaghMemberwaghswati5385@gmail.com9923699263
6 Mrs. Mahalaxmi ThubeMembermahalaxmithube@gmail.com9850751818
7Mrs. Vibha BrahmankarMember vibhabrahmankar@gmail.com9075409349
8Mr. Umesh LandgeMemberumeshlandge01@gmail.com9970292292
9Miss. Sayali KutekarStudent Representativesayalijalindarkhutekar2002@gmail.com9309914593
10Mr. Hrishikesh KumbarStudent Representativekrushikesh2899@gmail.com8308526170

Grievance Redressal Committee – Academic Year:  2020-21



NameDesignationEmail IDMobile Number
1Prin. Dr. Shinde Ashok B. Presidentdnyanmnewasa@gmail.com9881940442
2Mr. Baisane Sudhakar PanditSectarybspandit72@gmail.com7823824205
3Dr. Vijay Nikam DinkarSenior Membernikamvijay@gmail.com9373000447
4Mr. Pandurang BhaskarMemberbhaskarpd13@gmail.com9145556920
5Dr. Swati WaghMemberwaghswati5385@gmail.com9923699263
6 Mrs. Mahalaxmi ThubeMembermahalaxmithube@gmail.com9850751818
7Mrs. Vibha BrahmankarMember vibhabrahmankar@gmail.com9075409349
8Mr. Umesh LandgeMemberumeshlandge01@gmail.com9970292292
9Miss. Jadhav Pratiksha GanpatStudent Representativepratikshaj793@gmail.com9766643071
10Mr. Salunke Abhijeet Student Representativeabhijitsalunke000@gmail.com9022855231