Department of Political Science

The Department of Political Science is one of the important departments in the Arts faculty. The Department of Political Science was established in BMES’S Preetam Prakash College in the year 2009-10 when Arts faculty was started. Political Science as a special subject for BA was introduced in the year 2010-11. Department organizes various activities and programmers to support teaching activities. The Department aims Strengthen society through value education.

The objectives

1.To make students good and cultured citizens.

2. To built spirit of National Integration among students.

3. To inculcate the spirit of Equality, Fraternity and Brotherhood among the students,

4. To develop Social Interaction of the students

5.To develop Effective Citizenship

6.To make the students understand the importance of Ethics

7.To make the students understand the importance of Environment and Sustainability.

Mr. Baisane Sudhakar Pandit

Designation: Head of Department
Qualification: M.A., SET, NET
Experience: 08 Years
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Mrs. Shirsat Mahalaxmi Trachand

Designation : Asst. Professor
Qualification: M.A.
Experience: 06 Years
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