We are running successfully i.e. Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Serial Control, Administration etc. Web-OPAC facility is made available for users on library Web page. Following are our library highlights – Special Scheme for Students and Staff. For poor College library was established with the commencement of the college , part from it we have also departmental libraries to some departmental, library provides them all kinds of assistance our library has enriched with Books collections Journals etc. & Disabled students, Inter Library Loan, User orientation, Reading Room, Earn &Learn Scheme, Membership to , Free Internet facility for staff & students, Access to Programme, Question paper sets of previous exams, University syllabus to staff & students, In-house for students & staff, Online daily library attendance for student & staff, Library for society scheme.

Mr. Kumbhar Rajesh Ashok
Qualification: M. Lib. & I. Sc.
Experience: 05 Years
Mobile No.: 9552032664
View Profile
Our college Library has well equipped up-to-date with varieties of books in arts and commerce faculty. More than 2000 Textbooks and Reference books are available in Library. Various periodicals of National and International repute have been available for the sake of all round development of students. 05 daily news papers of state and National level both in Marathi and English and 20 Magazines on various disciplines are subscribed.SR.NO. | SECTION | TOTAL COLLECTION |
1 | Reference Book | 1073 |
2 | Textbook | 500 |
3 | Journals | 20 |
Total | 1573 |
1 | Sakal | Marathi |
2 | Loksatta | Marathi |
3 | Maharashtra times | Marathi |
6 | Lokmat | Marathi |
7 | The Economics Times | English |
Principal is the Chairman of Library Advisory Committee and Librarian acts as a Secretary. The committee members meet twice in the year. Main functions of Library Advisory Committee is Proposal of new additions to the stack.SR.NO. | COMMITTEE MEMBER | DESIGNATION |
1 | Prin. Kamble Sadashiv Sampti | President |
2 | Dr. Shinde Hanumant Popat | Member |
3 | Mr. Mhaske Pravin Arun | Member |
4 | Dr. Nikam Vijay Dinkar | Member |
5 | Dr. Wagh Swati Purushottam | Member |
6 | Mr. Baisane Sudhakar Pandit | Member |
8 | Mr. Landge Umesh Vitthal | Member |
9 | Mr. Bhaskar Pandurang Dhondibhau | Member |
10 | Mr. Kumbhar Rajesh AShok | Secretary |
1 | Monday to Saturday | 08.00 AM To 4.00 PM |
2 | Circulation Section | 11.30 AM To 01.30 PM |
3 | Study Room Timing | 08.00 AM To 4.00 PM |
- Students must keep silence in the study room.
- While entering the study room, students must have Identify card with them.
- Girls and boys should sit separately.
- Most Library Users would Appreciate Silence.
- Identity Card has to be shown in the entrance gate whenever demanded
- Every Member / Visitor has to Sign in the gate Register in the Entrance counter before entering in to the library.
- Sleeping and Eating, having refreshments in the Library is not allowed.
- Do take care of the books and journals.
- The rack at the entrance is to be used to keep your Personal Belongings.
- Once a book has been borrowed avoid taking it back into the Library.
- Underline, Marking, Tearing will be Strictly Prohibited in the books.
- Do remember to switch off the fans ad Lights after use.
- Usage of Cell Phone is restricted inside the Library.
- The Circulation Counter shall be closed half an hour before closing of the Library.
- Identity Card is compulsory for all enrolled students for availing of library facility.
- Identity card will be issued by the librarian on presentation of admission receipt and photograph along with prescribed application form.
- Duplicate Identity Card is issued after the payment of Rs.50/- along with the prescribed application form.
- Misbehavior and misuse of Identity card is an offence and the student responsible for the same is liable for disciplinary action.
- Borrower’s Ticket is issued to every student If it is lost, duplicate borrower’s ticket and i-card will be issued on payment Rs.50/- along with the prescribed application form.
- Identity card and borrower’s tickets are non transferable. These tickets shall be valid for one academic year.
- Books issued on the borrower’s tickets can be retained with the reader for seven days.
- Students can also borrow one extra book against his or her Identity card for the duration of seven / two days.
- Reference/rare books are not issued. However they are made available in the library
- Books and other reading materials borrowed by the reader are liable to recalled back at any time.
- Overdue charges of Rs. 1 per day will be charged for over dues.
- Every reader using the library shall be responsible for its safe custody and return the book undamaged. Any attempt to damage books or periodicals by defacing or tearing pages will be treated as misconduct and strictly dealt with.