Department of English
Department of English is a stand-alone department of PPC which is established along with the establishment of PPC in the year 2009. The subjects taught through the department are Compulsory English to different classes: FYBA, SYBA, TYBA and FYBCOM and Business Communication to SYBCOM. The Department of English has always endeavored to offer the best in terms of teaching the language of English and Literature.
These courses are designed to acquaint the students with literature and its genres, cultures, and languages. Students improve their skill in interpretation and analysis skills, learning to formulate robust and original arguments both in writing and speaking. The Department regularly conducts intra class activities on different aspects of language skills as well as quiz programs on literature.

Mr. Mhaske Pravin Arun
Designation : Head of Department
Qualification: M.A., B.Ed., NET
Experience: 08 Years
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